
Western Cultural Effects Can Aggravate Suicide Among Teens

By  Suicide Catastrophes October 19, 2020 Suicide, sounds like a harsh and complex word. Yet it does not need complex factors to make it ignited. Small and simple factors over longer period of time can create a clear path for its' toxicity to strike. Researchers and psychologists have been brainstorming and pinning down the contributing factors of suicide for years after years. It can be perceived from all of these information that, suicide is preventable. To prevent a problem and get to the bottom of the solution, it is important to address the problem first. This message was written over a bridge by Lauren Clements before committing suicide, in hope for saving others. Photo by Lacy,  The Tennessean Western and first world countries have some societal elements that are completely different than the eastern countries. It can be due to the impacts of geography, the belief system of the citizens, family structure and many more. Internet has created an evolutionary era filled with int

Does Religion Affect Suicide in Any Way?

 By  Suicide Catastrophes 19 October, 2020 Religion creates a boundary between any wrongdoings and human beings. It sets the boundary in a way that it can determine what’s wrong and write along with the consequences of it. Religion tells people what would get them rewarded and what would get them punished. Suicide is a forbidden activity in almost every religion. Most people reach the ultimate version of their religious phase at older age. Young people’s religious understanding is vulnerable and easy to crack. Multiple research based on religion (Islam) and suicide claims that, Muslim countries have less percentage of suicidal deaths compared to others. But the fact that all Muslim countries don’t abide by Muslim laws are something to think about. Country like New-Zealand is not Muslim majority country yet it’s legislation matches a lot with Muslim Sharia law, making it one of the most peaceful countries in the world. Countries which follow communism like North Korea, Japan has high ra

Contributing Factors of Suicide and Solutions to Prevent Early

  By  Suicide Catastrophes 13 October, 2020 Malaysian teens are at great risk of taking suicide into consideration in this era. Modernization and globalization all around the world made it easy for the Malaysian culture to get immensely influenced by the western culture. Western culture has weaker family bonds rather than eastern culture. Within past few decades, women empowerment has become very strong in this country and both genders are working side by side to develop the society. Most of the Malaysian children are bound to be left at the day care most of the day.   Tired parents cannot bond much with the child at the rest of the hours they spend together. Children lose mental touch and connection from the parents gradually. Now-a-days all Malaysian kids are seem to own smart phones and smart tablets and always playing video games or watching videos from YouTube. Even if parents may try to monitor their activities on the internet, it is impossible to monitor them 24/7 and keep him

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

  By  Suicide Catastrophes 13 October, 2020 While suicide is thought of as a crime by many countries in the world, the family and friends of a person losing life to suicide mostly left behind speechless and in despair. People who loved the deceased are the ones who suffer the most. Pinned out by thousands of questions in their minds and what they could have done to stop this from happening. Especially parents find it more difficult to digest the death of their little child who's young and full of life. Bereavement experience of the parents is the phase where they encounter the grieving of losing their child. It is like a loop of thoughts in which they stay entangled for a long time until they are able to make peace with the factor. Sometimes they even blame themselves for the suicide. Well, a suicide of an adult is entirely depended upon that adult itself. But when a teen determines to end his/her life and becomes successful in doing so, the parents are partially responsible for it

Suicide Among Teens of Malaysia is Increasing Day by Day

 By  Suicide Catastrophes 13 October,2020 Suicide is an act carried out by someone to end his or her own life. Even if it is a crime done to own self, it still manages to affect the people of the surrounding. In Malaysia, it is mentioned by the Health Ministry that a person’s suicide affects 20 persons (Friends and Family) of that person. Some countries even punish the citizen for attempting suicide if alive even after the heinous act. According to the 2017 National Health and Morbidity Study, there was an increase in suicide trend mostly among young people aged between 13 to 17. People of different ages attempt to end their lives for different factors. Adults usually gets frustrated because of complex issues like unemployment, failure, social pressure, financial stability whereas teens of such young age gets aggravated by very simple issues and think of putting an end to their lives. Rate of teenagers committing suicide is more now compared to the earlier times like five or ten years