Suicide Among Teens of Malaysia is Increasing Day by Day

 By Suicide Catastrophes

13 October,2020

Suicide is an act carried out by someone to end his or her own life. Even if it is a crime done to own self, it still manages to affect the people of the surrounding. In Malaysia, it is mentioned by the Health Ministry that a person’s suicide affects 20 persons (Friends and Family) of that person. Some countries even punish the citizen for attempting suicide if alive even after the heinous act. According to the 2017 National Health and Morbidity Study, there was an increase in suicide trend mostly among young people aged between 13 to 17. People of different ages attempt to end their lives for different factors. Adults usually gets frustrated because of complex issues like unemployment, failure, social pressure, financial stability whereas teens of such young age gets aggravated by very simple issues and think of putting an end to their lives. Rate of teenagers committing suicide is more now compared to the earlier times like five or ten years back. Overpowering effect of social media and influences of western countries can be a contributing factor to this as teenagers are very gullible.

Some reasons for someone to be tired of life and wanting to end it would be – weak family bonding, being extremely introvert, having any mental condition, anti-social behavior, facing any failure and so on. Even adults find it difficult to deal with these overwhelming emotions, so it is definitely more difficult for the teenagers. When a kid enters their teen age, they suddenly encounter a lot of mental and physical change which makes them very susceptible to getting influenced by anything strong. Suddenly they have newfound sense of crush, attraction, infatuation or love. These strong emotions can influence them. Many teenagers commit suicide after being failed in any romantic relationship.

Before cyber bullying was identified and got bound by cyber-crime legislation, sudden overpowering atmosphere of social media has created many nuisances. Many juveniles were blackmailed with nude exposure. Sometimes their wrongfully made pornographic video goes viral. Suicide among teenager is one of the most serious social issues in Malaysia. The Government and the health department in this country is always trying to make it easy for the citizens to seek for help for any suicidal thoughts. Many Governmental hospitals are assigned to give emergency support or long term counselling for suicidal thoughts among teens. This step by the Government proves how significant this problem is.

Minors think mostly with emotions rather than logic which plays a leading role in their suicidal steps. Last year, a girl from Sarawak posted a poll in Instagram asking for her followers vote between life and death. Surprisingly, 69% of the netizens voted death. The girl ended up taking her own life based on a mindless poll. She was only a 16-year-old girl. Even if committing suicide is an offence in the country teen suicide rate is not decreasing. In fact, this offence rule makes them more determined to create a solid mistake proof suicide plan that would ensure their death and avoid any chance of being convicted of that offence crime. Most of the teenagers who tries to end their lives do not even know the depth of life because they are young. Young people are often nonchalant about their surroundings. Simplest of matters influence them in the most significant ways. It has been noticed by many doctors attending minor’s suicidal case that they want to live and regretted the decision they’ve taken in the heat of the moment. After road accidents, suicide among teens are the second leading cause of death in the world. It has made a worry among the family consisting of youngsters.

Suicide rate in Malaysia, Video Courtesy; Jennifer Shuyan

In 2012, Suicidal Thought Rate was 7.9%, Suicidal Planning Rate was 6.4%, Suicidal Attempt Rate was 6.8% But it has increased to 10%, 7.3%, 6.9% respectively in 2007

 This statistic is based on a national survey in Malaysia; Infographic credit: Sharifah Sakinah, 

Psychologists suggest to assess own mental condition regularly to be on top of the issue. Addressing the condition might save many lives. Many psychology tests are available on the internet. Schools and parents can influence their minors to take those tests once in a while and teach them the value of life. It might take a few minutes to go through all the questions of psychology test but it might save thousands of lives. Take Depression, Anxiety and Stress to find out the risk factors of your mental stability. 


Azura (10 Sep, 2019), Suicide rate on the rise, particularly among youth, New Straits Times Retrieved from,

Jamie (15 May, 2019), Teenage girl kills herself 'after Instagram poll' in Malaysia, The guardian. Retrieved from,

Sharifah (05 Feb, 2020), Malaysian Teens Are Suffering from Mental Health Problems. Retrieved from,

Have You Ever Thought of Ending Your Life?
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