Western Cultural Effects Can Aggravate Suicide Among Teens

By Suicide Catastrophes

October 19, 2020

Suicide, sounds like a harsh and complex word. Yet it does not need complex factors to make it ignited. Small and simple factors over longer period of time can create a clear path for its' toxicity to strike. Researchers and psychologists have been brainstorming and pinning down the contributing factors of suicide for years after years. It can be perceived from all of these information that, suicide is preventable. To prevent a problem and get to the bottom of the solution, it is important to address the problem first.

This message was written over a bridge by Lauren Clements before committing suicide, in hope for saving others. Photo by Lacy, The Tennessean

Western and first world countries have some societal elements that are completely different than the eastern countries. It can be due to the impacts of geography, the belief system of the citizens, family structure and many more. Internet has created an evolutionary era filled with intensive and unbreakable connection among all parts of the world. World might be a large place geographically but by the grace of the internet and technology, it is a small Global village. No news or story of one part of the world is oblivious to the other. Extreme assimilation is taking place among cultures. Especially, the dominance of western culture is clearly visible.

First world countries has an extraordinary participation in media, showcasing western lifestyles and social norms. Whereas other countries comparatively have fewer role in showcasing own culture. It can be due to the reason that Eastern countries are more religiously involved and more conservative. Apps like Netflix, YouTube is available in all parts of this world. As, western culture us showcased more, teens outside these countries can easily access those cultural aspects. They absorb it and get influenced by it.

                                  Infographic Source: World Health Organization

With an interview with 18 year old Fayyaz Enam Musa from Dhaka, Bangladesh says that currently his favorite show on Netflix is "Breaking Bad." He also added, " I've been downloading American and English movies from several servers since I was 14 years old. I enjoy these cause It's different than my life in here. I can't relate any of it from my real life which makes it more interesting. I've seen that kids from developed countries are allowed to have girlfriend/boyfriend from a very early age. Now even if I'm 18, my dad would kill me if I ever do that. I think they lead more of a free and happy life than me."

While listening to what Fayyaz was telling me only made me think of a proverb, "Grass is always greener on the other side." Young kids like this   often loves the exoticness of the western culture just because It's shown with glitz and glamour in the platform of media. Young kids fail to see the real beauty of their own culture through this process. The inferiority complex is created among young kids because of the western cultural dominance. They by default start to think that western culture is better. Economical dominance of western countries can be a major contributing component as well.

In an international journal of epidemiology by Richard Eckersley states that the culture of any society determines the health of the population and welfare but it is often underestimated. In a modern western culture, two active components are individualism and materialism. This journal discusses how psychosocial factors like social support and personal control is directly related to these components and is harmful to the people.

Teens should be taught to love their own culture and receive only the good part of other cultures. As we can not keep them out of the global village, we should teach them the positive way of perceiving life. Mother of a 15-Y-O, Nurul Izzati from Cyber Jaya says that her daughter enjoys English pop songs and can sing so well. When the mother was asked, "Do you think there's any negative effect present on your child by the western culture?" She replied, "Absolutely not. My kid is very enthusiastic about her own culture as well. But It's just a preference in terms of music. I always tell my daughter, know yourself first, then It's easy to know others. She knows her boundaries."

Minors who are brought up with positive energy by their parents have lower possibility of dealing life issues by committing suicide. Young minds are like clutter of clay. It can be shaped into anything when it's wet and mushy. Once dried out, it's hard to change the shape. If you are a young Malaysian who is having negative and hopeless thoughts, don't be afraid and get help.

You can also try for face-to-face session from the best psychologists in Malaysia. Find the Directions


Dava, May 13 2020, Tennessean, Some people may be at greater risk for suicide during COVID-19 pandemic | Opinion, Retrieved from,


Richard, 22 November 2005, International Epidemiological Association, Is modern Western culture a health hazard?, Retrieved from,



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